5D Flow Alignment Towel Q & A
Q: Who is this for?
A: It’s an Exercise Program for the General Public on through Professional Athletes to assist in training for daily living.
Q: What are the Colors for?
A: There are 3 Color Series (BLUE, GOLD, GREEN)
There are 3 Program Levels (BASIC, MODERATE, ADVANCED)
BLUE is Fluidity of hips, knees, ankles, shins, calves
GOLD is Balance of feet shifting weight, abdominals, gluteus, thighs
GREEN is Form of torso, shoulders, chest, elbows, wrists, neck, upper back
Q: How does this benefit the General Public?
A: Most people struggle with bending over and lifting up everyday items like bags of groceries or replacing water jugs onto the dispenser. The 5D FLOW Alignment Grid is designed for a personal exercise practice at home. BLUE Fluidity Series helps align the Hips-Knees-Ankles for proper squatting/hydraulics strength enough to stand without injuring the back, while the GOLD Balance Series assists in stabilizing motion by shifting the weight from side-to-side using the Abdominal control to the balls of the Feet in a rhythmic pattern repetition. GREEN Series align the Upper Back-Biceps-Triceps equally so the collarbone is supported. The neck has freedom for mobility so the cervical discs can remain in alignment, alleviating neck pain. Practice each basic color routine once per week to start.
Q: How does a Moderately Active Person use this?
A: The 5D FLOW Grid is the best place to start and end the day. Simply lay down on the back with the body in alignment to the lines, palms facing up. Deep breathing like the ocean, inhale/exhale all the way to the soles of the feet and out the top of the head. Pretend you’re on the beach and relaxing along with the waves. Then, get up and gently stretch your body, either to start your day or to wind down. Taking this time with the self is most beneficial for maintaining joy, beauty, and splendor. Practice the color series each two times per week to start. A new outlook on an active life is always appreciated.
Q: How may a Professional Athlete use 5D FLOW?
A: The Alignment Grid is designed to train the body starting at the root, then develop a practice of unfoldment of skills for optimal performance or moderations that are unique to each athletes needs. We all know that being a Professional Athlete calls for constant attention to maintaining greatness and sometimes we need to slow down and focus on our core. BLUE, GOLD, GREEN hits all parts of the body along with the Mind Motion guide. Practicing advanced series all colors three times per week to start should bring about equanimity.
Q: When I sit behind the Computer all day or drive a Car, how will 5D FLOW assist me?
A: When we sit in one spot for too long our body begins to take that shape, creating a build up of pressure on the spine. Over time, neck and back pain start to develop if we don’t regularly move around. This pain or ‘tension’ begins to endure, traveling to the wrists with stiff shoulders. This tightens the muscles around the neck and eventually numbing the backs & hips. To accommodate for this seated lifestyle, practicing the Color Series Exercises helps Qi to flow. Active circulation replaces daily tension. We are able to relax, moving freely into the fullness of our bodies once again. Happiness is sure to follow.
Q: Which SPORTS may benefit from using the 5D Flow Alignment Grid Towel?
A: Yoga; Basic Hatha Asanas, Sun Salutations, Posture Positioning, Vinyasa Routines, Ashtanga, Anusara, Vipassana Mediation, Mind Motion Guide, Breathwork
Ballet; ‘En Croix’ First-Fifth Barre Positioning, Pirouette Prep, Balance
Surfing; Pop-ups, Thighs/Knee Health, Paddle Strength, Beach Towel
Skating; Standing Board Tricks, Ankle Landing Strength, Centrifugal Balance.
Gymnastics; Handstand Prep, Splits, Sit ups, Push ups, Beam tricks.
Acrobatics; Flips, Handstands, Cartwheels, Front/Back Walkovers
Running; Stretching & Strengthening Hip/Thigh Fluidity
Biking; Endurance, Focus, Breath, Abs, Back, Form, Hamstring Stretch
Q: If I’ve had an injury or recovering from a stroke, can I use 5D FLOW?
A: Absolutely. The series can be broken down for physical therapy and modified for those in a wheelchair. The movements, meditations, balancing exercises and stretches can be used for those learning to walk confidently again. Talk to your therapist about incorporating 5D FLOW into your recovery program.