The 5DFlow alignment towel offers an easy and fast exercise program for beginners to practice at home. The beginner fitness routine is designed to help give you strength, balance and stability with a minimum of time investment.
The 5DFlow alignment towel helps guide your workout similar to how dotted tracing letters help to teach children how to write.
15 minutes total time, 3x/week.
(5 minutes blue, 5 minutes gold, 5 minutes green)
As far as the cost of the program, you only need to purchase the 5DFlow Alignment towel ($44). The instruction for the program is available here on this page for free!
For people who…
have never really exercised before
are shy about their body
are nervous about moving
are former athletes starting over
See how this program changes your life!
Know your body. Move mindfully with the breath. Take your time. Smile. It’s okay to modify. Gently we 5dflow.
Live Instagram Classes for Beginner Fitness
Monday and Friday mornings, 9-9:15 pacific standard time.
BLUE-Fluidity Basic
Leg hydraulics & positioning components for proper squatting and standing. Crown of the head always remains lifted.
for daily living: lifting groceries, replacing water bottles, carrying car seats… and more. This simple practice once a week will help your hold your posture & build confidence for bending down and standing safely.
Basic A, B, C
A: Feet Stand on BLUE vertical back lines, toes touching GREEN horizontal line, hands on hips, head straight, shoulders over hips, knees over heels (not hyper-extended beyond). Bend knees over toes to GREEN line (not beyond) & straighten. Practice bending & straightening; be mindful of toe-to-heel “knee boundaries”. This is our foundation for standing.
•Bend Inhale/Straight Exhale 10x
A+B: Feet together-toes at GREEN horizontal line, hands flat reaching downwards to BLUE vertical lines,
bend knees over toes (hold) continue to hinge at the hips, tailbone to 5DFLOW logo getting lower as flat hands reach forward to outer edges of the upper BLUE line, abdomen firm, then return to stand. As you bend, you reach; being mindful of hitting these positions each time until it’s fluid.
•Bend-Reach Inhale/Straight-Return Exhale 10x
A+B+C: Continue into a full squat with the tailbone aiming at the 5DFLOW logo – stretching like a suspension bridge-the arms follow the diagonal BLUE lines to ‘dive’ into the BLUE CIRCLE, legs fold to a complete lower squat, tailbone to heels. Reverse to stand.
Bend-Reach-Squat Inhale/Straight-Return-Stand Exhale 10x
GOLD-Balance Basic
Gold lines are for shifting of the weight, and turning.
are healthy feet, knees, hips, and abdominals. Build confidence in walking, turning, and overall standing stability with grace.
BASIC Side-Step, Turn 1,2,3
SIDE STEP: Start Center towel, face side, Green line center. Right foot on right inner gold, left foot on left. Bend knees, step out right foot step outer gold line, bend knees, step back. Continue the up/down rhythms, bend knees, step out left foot step outer left gold line, bend knees, step back. Repeat 10x (or more) have fun until you feel confident shifting weight, go slow.
TURN 1,2,3: Start with Side-Step rhythm, bend knees, step right foot gold outer line, bend knees, step back, bend knees, lift left leg, turn torso, (1) step left foot left gold pyramid line, (2) step right foot right gold pyramid line (momentarily the feet/legs will be turned in, abdomen firm) (3) finish turn stepping left foot to center line and right foot joins center to finish. Repeat out/in 123 turn gently, do one side and the other. See if you can hold your head straight and look for the line peripherally.
GREEN-Form Basic
uses gravity. Come to our hands and knees, like a table top.
Great for relieving tension in hands, wrists, neck, chest and upper back. Allowing the body to release stagnant energy & allow the nervous system to shine.
Basic Upper body alignment
START: begin with knees on center green line hips distance apart. Hands open wide and flat, thumb into the “pie” of the blue circle-index finger along the curve-middle finger green line-4th & pinky fingers spread fanning out. Placement of each hand is FULL (equal energy) press into the towel. Abdomen is firm, back is level like a table top. 1 deep breath through the nose.
Holding the torso still, bend the elbow diagonal-1/2 way down along blue lines, then straighten elbows. Repeat 5x feeling the elbows slightly out activated the chest muscles under the collar bone.
Inhale bend, exhale straighten.
Holding the torso still, bend the elbows in towards the rib cage -1/2 way down along green lines, then straighten elbows. Repeat 5x feeling the elbows slightly out activated the chest muscles under the collar bone.
Inhale bend, exhale straighten.
Move knees farther back to the second green line and repeat both 1/2 push-ups. (Elbows In-Elbows Out) Hold the abdomen firm & breathe easy free.
For additional videos, please see our instagram page.